Mr. Gorsky の真相

宇宙開発をめぐる噂の真相シリーズ第 4 弾 (勝手にシリーズ化してみた*1),今回は "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky" の話.

ジョークとして広まっている Mr. Gorsky ネタだが,

真実ではないとのこと.NASA のページにもわざわざ注意書きがある!

During November 1995, a clever (and slightly risque') story was widely circulated on the Internet concerning a statement Neil is supposed to have made during the Apollo 11 EVA. At the suggestion of several readers, let me state that Neil never said "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky" at any time during the mission. Indeed, on November 28, 1995, Neil wrote, " I understand that the joke is a year old. I first heard it in California delivered by (comedian) Buddy Hackett".

*1: ちなみに